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Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is the necessity which is needed in the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development is about more than just the environment. Since the dawn of industrialization, the world has seen increasingly rapid advancements in technology which has caused an accelerated pace of development beyond what the earth’s natural resources can sustain. Sustainable development mainly covers the use of renewable energy, energy security, energy pricing, energy policy, renewable energy applications and smart grid technologies. Sustainable Development has three major components: Economic growth, Environmental stewardship and Social inclusion.



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Related Associations and Societies: 

EKO energy | The Biomass Thermal Energy Council | International Hydropower Association | Geothermal Energy Association | World Bioenergy Association | International Energy Agency | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |

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