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Biopolymers and Bioplastics from Renewable Sources

Biopolymers are natural polymers produced by the cells of living organisms. They can be sustainable, carbon neutral and are always renewable because they are made from plant or animal materials which can be grown indefinite. Renewable resources are used increasingly in the production of polymers. Life-cycle assessment can be used to quantify the environmental benefits of sustainable polymers. Bio-based polymers can also be synthesized from biomass. Biopolymers are new generations of materials that are still in development and that have attracted attention as possible replacement‐based materials of conventional plastics due to an increased interest in sustainable development. Bioplastics are the plastic materials produced from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable fats and oils, corn starch, straw, woodchips, sawdust, recycled food waste, etc. Bioplastic production significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions and decreases non-renewable energy consumption. Renewable bio-based polymers are one of the effective answers that the bio economy offers to solve the environmental emergency connected to plastics and more specifically fossil-based plastics.

Biopolymers from diverse origin:

  • Vegetable origin (starches, celluloses, pectin’s, chitosan, zein, etc.)
  • Animal origin (casein, whey protein, and gelatin)
  • Microbial products (polyhydroxybutyrate and polyhydroxyvalerate)
  • Natural origin (polylactic acid).

Most Common types of Bioplastics:

  • Starch-Based (corn starch)
  • Cellulose-Based (cellulose esters and cellulose derivatives)
  • Protein-Based (wheat gluten, casein and milk)
  • Bio-derived Polyethylene (raw agricultural materials like sugarcane and corn)
  • Aliphatic Polyesters (PLA, PHB, PGA)

Related Tags:

Renewable Energy Conferences | Renewable Energy Forum 2023 | Renewable Energy Congress | Renewable Energy Meetings | Renewable Energy Summit | Global Renewable Energy Conferences | Renewable Energy Conferences 2023 | Renewable Energy Gatherings | Energy Conferences | Energy Meetings | Energy Summit | Sustainable Energy Conferences | Sustainable Energy Meetings | Sustainable Energy Summit | Sustainable Energy Gatherings | Global Sustainable Energy Conferences | Sustainable Energy Congress | Sustainable Energy Forum 2023 |  Global Energy Conferences | Energy Gatherings | Solar Energy Conferences | Tidal Energy Conferences | Wind Energy Conferences | Thermal Energy Conferences | Green Chemistry Conferences | Clean Energy Conferences |

Related Associations and Societies: 

National Renewable Energy Laboratory | US Department of Energy | American Clean Power | American Council on Renewable Energy | American Energy SocietyInternational Renewable Energy Agency | Renewable Fuels Association | Sustainable Energy | World Wind Energy Association | International Solar Energy Society |

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