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Woon Kok Sin

Associate Professor

Xiamen University



Woon Kok Sin is an Associate Professor and Head of Ph.D. Program of New Energy Science and Engineering at Xiamen University Malaysia, a Professional Technologist by the Malaysia Board of Technologists, and a GreenRE Accredited Professional by REHDA Malaysia. With ten years of industry and academic experience, he advocates achieving transformative resilience for climate and environmental sustainability. He is passionate about utilizing systems-analytical approaches on issues related to the environment-economic-social well-being nexus. He has authored 46 articles in international refereed journals. Twenty-six articles are published in SCI Q1 journals, including One Earth, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Journal of Cleaner Production, and Science of the Total Environment. He received ten international/national grants and consultancy works worth USD 230,000 between 2019-2022. His research provides multidimensional data-driven insights to policymakers in developing circular economy policies that can lead to lower environmental impacts, a greener economy, and higher resource efficiency. He is a consultant in assessing the carbon emissions and sequestrations of one of the largest shipping ports in Malaysia, as well as in developing Malaysia's first life cycle carbon database in the construction industry. He has been invited as a technical and keynote speaker to 30 international conferences and professional talks in countries such as Turkey, Italy, Morocco, Malaysia, and China. He was invited by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to provide a keynote speech in Malaysia Pavilion during the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP 22) in Marrakech in 2016. Between 2020-2022, He received several prestigious international awards, including UN Summer Academy and UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Fellowships, Vebleo Fellow (Jr), First-Prize Award Recipient of the Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development by the Global Development Network through the World Bank, Fulbright Young Leader under the U.S.'s government signature program - YSEALI, Cross Culture Programme Fellow by the German Federal Foreign Office, and Young Researcher in Waste Management by Venus International Foundation. 


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