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Pablo Pujadas Álvarez

Associate Professor

Polytechnic University of Catalonia



Pablo Pujadas Álvarez graduated as a Civil Engineer in 2009 from the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC). Immediately afterwards, I enrolled in the doctoral program of the UPC in the Construction and Building Department, developing part of my research at the Delft University of Technology. In 2013 I graduated as doctor with mention cum laude and extraordinary prize for the best doctoral thesis. My thesis was awarded with the first position of the extraordinary prize of the UPC Doctoral Thesis of the year 2013. Due to the work done during my PhD, I was awarded in 2014 with a 2-year postdoc PDJ-grant (funded by the AGAUR) to continue my research in the University and in 2016 with a Torres Quevedo-grant (funded by the Ministry of Science) to carry out R&D work in a company.

Since 2018 I am faculty member in the Project and Construction Engineering Department as Associate Professor and researcher at GRIC (Group of Construction Research and Innovation), where I address frontier research topics which draw interest and enthusiasm in the scientific community and in the engineering and construction (E&C) sector concerning: Building and Infrastructures; Advanced Construction Materials; Sustainable, Resilient and Circular Construction and Decision-making in the build environment.

Since 2012 I have published 51 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, most of which in first quartile journals according to the JCR ranking (with an h-index of 21 and 1260 total citations according to Scopus) and supervised 4 PhD thesis (plus 4 additional PhD currently on-going). I have published 1 book and 3 chapters of a book (all with ISBN), and I have presented 25 works in National or International Congresses. I have been member of the research group in 7 different R+D+I projects funded in competitive tenders either by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness or the Ministry of Science and Innovation (the last one as co-IP) and 4 from the autonomic administration. The overall budget for all these projects amounts to approximately 1.000.000 euros. Besides the R+D+i projects funded in competitive tenders by public bodies, I have also participated in technology transfer project with private companies, providing advanced scientific and technological solutions for singular topics. The overall budget for all these projects amounts to over 700.000 euros. Additionally, in 2013 I participated in the foundation of the spin-off Smart Engineering within the UPC.

Finally, since 2009 I have had the opportunity to establish connections with other researchers worldwide, some of which are very fruitful. I have been involved in research activity with researchers from: Universidad Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands); Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil); Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Università degli Studi di Brescia (Italy); Shinsho University (Japan), Tai Yuan University (China); Universidad de Aguas Calientes (Mexico); Universidad Nacional de México (Mexico); and Loughborough University (UK). Many of these collaborations have already ended up in tangible results, for example:  papers published, shorts exchanges or bilateral projects.


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