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Past Conference Report

Scisynopsis is happy to announce that it successfully completed “European Congress on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development” held on November 16-17, 2023 at Rome,Italy with the theme “Developing and Securing Energy Technologies for Sustainable Future” with great success. We sincerely thank the renowned Energy Experts, Professors, distinguished researchers from different universities, research institutes, companies, laboratories with the latest knowledge on topics related to Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development Research. The congress was remarked with huge success followed by Keynote Sessions, followed by Oral presentations, poster presentations, video presentations. The highlights of the meetings are presented by:

  • Jakob Albert, Hamburg University, Germany
  • Frank Kameier, Duesseldorf University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • Suzanna El Massah, Zayed University, UAE
  • Zubaida Rukhsana Usha, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • Faisal Anzah, Kuwait University, Kuwait
  • Pawel Michal Slupski, University of Padova, Italy
  • Celia K. Falkenreck, University of Kassel, Germany
  • Viktoriia Betina, Ernst & Young GmbH, Germany
  • Dorothea Voss, Hamburg University, Germany
  • Andac Kilic, ADM Electricity Distribution Inc., Turkey
  • Monjurul Hoque, Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre, Ireland
  • Syawaluddin Akbar, Pupuk Indonesia Holding Company, Indonesia
  • Silus Kwemboi, The Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau, Uganda
  • Baris Çetinkaya, ADM Electricity Distribution Inc., Turkey
  • Kerim Kilinc, Polyteks Textile Industry Research and Education Inc, Turkey
  • Yahya Atilgan, ADM Electricity Distribution Inc., Turkey
  • Mohamed R. Gomaa, Al Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan
  • Laras Wuri Dianningrum, Pupuk Indonesia Holding Company,Indonesia
  • Pablo Blanc, RELP - Global Renewable Energy Mass Adoption Program, Argentina
  • Giulio Teodoro MAELLARO, GECO - Global Engineering Constructions s.r.l., Italy
  • Michela Famiglietti, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy
  • Bartłomiej Kielasiński, BWW Legal Office Warsaw, Poland
  • Necati Keskin, ADM Electricity Distribution Inc., Turkey
  • Margarita Reit, University of Kassel, Germany
  • Djalila Gad, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
  • Thomas Norup From, Aarhus University & Topsoe, Denmark
  • Sude Kozalioglu, ADM Electricity Distribution Inc., Turkey
  • Konrad S. Sobczuk, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland
  • Jordão Gheller Junior, SENAI Innovation in Polymer Engineering Institute, Brazil
  • Fatima-Zahra El Bouchtaoui, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco
  • Simona Trandafir, University of Rhode Island, USA
  • Silvia González Rojo, Agrarian Technological Institute of Castilla y León, Spain
  • Sukanya, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
  • Yu Han Guo, York House School, Canada
  • Sara Fuster-Esteso, University of Alicante, Spain
  • Kurias George, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Spain
  • Abderrahim Ait hssi, Ibn Zohr University, Morocco
  • Anastasia Tsoy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Russia
  • Kui Zeng, University of Göttingen, Germany
  • Morgan Lecoublet, UniLaSalle, France
  • Enrico Giarmanà, Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy
  • Youness Khaddam, Moulay Ismail University, Morocco
  • Mujeeb Khan, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

We would like to thank our Session chairs: Jakob Albert, Suzanna El Massah, Frank Kameier, Simona Trandafir & who supported us for the conference.
We are once again thankful to all our attendees who presented their valuable work in the conference and supported us.

Proceeding with the success of Energy Trends 2024, we are glad to announce the upcoming event 2nd European Congress on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development scheduled on November 11-12, 2024, London, UK.

For more info, please visit: https://renewableenergyconferences.com/

Wish to meet you at London, UK!!!
Thank you.

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